
Sustainability Report


Sustainability: These are activities carried out to protect natural resources and leave a good environment for future generations while meeting today's needs.

Sustainable Development: It means programming the development of the life of today and the future in a way that enables the development and development of future generations by establishing a balance between humans and nature, without consuming natural resources. It is a concept with social, ecological, economic, spatial and cultural dimensions.

As BALMY BEACH RESORT HOTEL, we are aware of our responsibilities and determined regarding Sustainable Tourism and development. We strive to leave a better world for future generations. Our corporate vision, mission, culture, values and ethical principles guide us as we fulfill these responsibilities.


Informing our stakeholders transparently and effectively about our activities and their impacts is one of the issues we attach special importance to. The sustainability reports we publish in this regard will be an important tool that we use to become a transparent and accountable organization.

The main responsibilities of our hotel within the scope of sustainability are;

  • Creating and evaluating recycling and reuse opportunities,
  • Continuously improving energy efficiency and minimizing the negative impact caused by carbon emissions,
  • Reducing any environmental impact caused is shaped at its basic points.
  • The liability of economic factors is not limited to this. Social and economic factors that form the basis of sustainability are at least as important as the environment. Sustainability has a wide scope, from providing the most suitable conditions for employees to sharing the added value created with society.
Group Name:


Hotel Name:



0(242) 824 81 88




Başkomutan Atatürk Street No:41 – 07985 Kemer/Antalya/Türkiye

Season: Open 7 Months

By the beach

100 m to Beldibi Village center

18 km from Kemer

29 km from Antalya city

Opening Year:


Nearest Airport: Antalya Airport 40 km
Transportation: Public Transportation / Car Rental / Airport Transfer Services

BALMY BEACH RESORT HOTEL promises very special privileges to its other guests traveling for holiday purposes with its adult hotel concept, with 4+ star accommodation options.

BALMY BEACH RESORT HOTEL invites its guests to a special world with its 148 rooms designed for your comfort, SPA facilities where you can get away from the busy work schedule and relax both physically and spiritually, and restaurants and bars where you can taste delicious flavors from world cuisine


Dear Guests, Business Partners and Employees,

As BALMY BEACH RESORT HOTELS, we are aware that sustainability efforts in tourism minimize the negative effects on environmental and cultural heritage and the responsibilities brought by sustainable tourism. We strive to leave a better world for future generations. In this regard, we continue our work on many issues within the concept of sustainability, such as reducing environmental impacts, energy, water and waste management, protecting cultural and social heritage, providing economic and social benefit to the local people and protecting the environment. In today's world, where the importance of climate change and global warming is felt more and more every day, we aim to fulfill our responsibilities in the best way possible and strive to ensure that environmental awareness is adopted by our employees. We aim to increase our success day by day by focusing on effectively managing sustainability risks and ensuring sustainable growth with long-term strategies.

Our Vision

To be the first choice of the guests under the guidance of corporate values and understanding of quality and to ensure the continuity of the situation.

Our Mission

To be worthy of the satisfaction and trust of our employees and customers by producing expected results with the highest quality understanding in the sector we serve.

Our Values

Human First; The essence and assurance of our work is people.

Correlate; We establish sincere, lasting and respectful relationships.

Sustainability; We invest in the future with the effective use of our resources and environmental awareness.

Reliability; We create trust in everyone and at every moment.

Openness and Transparency; Our corporate accountability is always possible.

Customer Focus; We aim to continuously improve by evaluating all suggestions, requests and complaints from guests.

Our Goals

  • Starting to use biodegradable laundry bags,
  • Reducing waste from straws, (Preferential use / Paper-bamboo straws)
  • Converting disposable amenities used in guest rooms into dispensers,
  • Continuing personnel awareness raising activities, receiving external training,
  • Developing methods to share our sustainability efforts with stakeholders more effectively,
  • Compliance with international standards,
  • To ensure that no work accidents occur by ensuring all occupational safety and work-related conditions for our employees and subcontractors,
  • Continuing energy efficiency increasing practices in our hotel,
  • Continuing to purchase devices with reduced environmental impacts and high energy efficiency,
  • Continuing training on saving measures to reduce energy consumption rates every year,
  • Continuing to develop energy consumption reduction projects,
  • Conversion of all fluorescent, PLC and compact lighting used in the hotel to LED lighting.


Our Quality Policy

  • To raise our service quality above national, international and brand standards by meeting guest expectations at the highest level,
  • To create service awareness, continuous improvement, workplace trust and team spirit in all our employees that exceed the expectations of our guests,
  • To ensure the effective use of natural resources with environmental responsibility awareness,
  • To protect human health by fully applying food safety rules in all food production, presentation and storage areas, from the purchase of raw materials to the consumption of produced foods.

Our Guest Satisfaction Policy

  • To meet guest satisfaction at the highest level,
  • Evaluating all suggestions, requests and complaints from guests and communicating them to all employees, and ensuring guest loyalty by constantly improving processes in this direction.

Our Food Safety Policy

  • To protect human health by fully applying food safety rules in all food production, presentation and storage areas, from the purchase of raw materials to the consumption of produced foods,
  • Sharing the Food Safety experiences gained with suppliers, institutions, employees and guests in order to ensure the continuous development of processes

Our Environmental Policy

  • To ensure the effective use of natural resources with environmental responsibility awareness,
  • To ensure efficiency and sustainability by effectively monitoring the use of chemicals as well as electricity, natural gas and water consumption,
  • To minimize the harmful impact of energy consumption on the environment through the use of renewable energy resources,
  • Working with suppliers who are conscious in the consumption of natural resources,
  • Creating a waste management plan,
  • Ensuring recycling/recovery or disposal of waste in accordance with the legislation


As BALMY BEACH RESORT HOTEL, our main goal is to provide the highest level of guest satisfaction with our products and services. As we move towards this goal, the following items constitute our basic principles.

  1. Legal Regulations

BALMY BEACH RESORT HOTEL undertakes to comply with the legal regulations regarding all its products, service operations and other activities.

In addition to working in compliance with legal regulations, our facility provides services at international standards.

  • We have documentation because our guests contribute to our business by meeting and exceeding the expectations of the staff and the law.
  • We have documentation to eliminate threats to Food Safety and provide hygienic and reliable presentations to our guests and contribute to our employees.
  • Our documentation is implemented to ensure continuous improvement along with complaint management by meeting guest satisfaction at the highest level.
  • The "Zero Waste Certificate" issued within the scope of the zero waste project meets the necessary legislation and an application has been made. Process monitoring continues.

Human Rights

BALMY BEACH RESORT HOTEL undertakes to respect all internationally accepted human rights regarding its activities and complies with all legislation and agreements in this context. In this regard, we evaluate all our guests and employees equally, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, opinion, age, social and marital status, family origin, physical or mental disability and sexual orientation.

Investment in Employee Safety and Human Resources

BALMY BEACH RESORT HOTEL The basis of Human Resources processes is the value we give to people, and therefore to our employees. The health, safety and happiness of BALMY BEACH RESORT HOTEL employees are an integral part of our focus on growth, profitability and creating new opportunities, which are our strategic goals. All our employees who will contribute to this goal benefit from our equal training opportunities. BALMY BEACH RESORT HOTEL closely monitors and implements legal obligations regarding the health, safety and working hours of its personnel and business partners; regularly inspects and checks compliance.

Guest Satisfaction and Safety

Our guests are our reason for existence. We believe that we can increase our competitiveness by ensuring guest satisfaction and thus achieve much better positions in the markets in which we operate. Our primary duty is to follow up on our guests' complaints, inform them about the issue, and turn their complaints into opportunities by resolving them.

Respect for the Environment - Energy Saving

We are aware that our energy resources are limited, we monitor our consumption data to support less energy and water consumption, we raise the awareness of our employees, and we work to ensure continuous improvement of energy efficiency. In order not to harm the environment, we evaluate our waste and hazardous waste within the framework of recycling principles in a way that does not pollute nature. We take care to protect plant and animal species specific to our region.

Food Safety

For the health and safety of our hotel's guests and employees: We prioritize hygiene conditions by implementing the Food Safety Management system, comply with all national and international standards and legal regulations regarding healthy food production, meet the needs and expectations of our guests and constantly improve and renew our activities.

Ensuring Occupational Health and Safety

By adopting the legislation and legally determined laws and regulations as minimum standards, we identify the hazards that may lead to occupational accidents and occupational diseases in all our activities, manage the risks, provide safe and healthy environments for our employees, customers and suppliers, It is the primary duty of all our institutions and employees to organize awareness-raising training and information activities for the public and to ensure the continuous development and supervision of the occupational health and safety system.

Supporting the Local Economy and Sustainable Purchasing Practices

We are aware of our contribution to the local economy, so we make most of our supplies from local producers. For sustainable tourism, we purchase environmentally friendly products and services with high energy, water and waste efficiency.

Social Responsibility

We support and monitor internationally recognized human rights and protect the health and welfare of our employees and the environment while continuing and developing our activities. We value our employees and the contributions they make. In the recruitment and employment (placement, promotion, social rights, etc.) process of our employees, in line with our selection/evaluation criteria such as experience, skill level and merit, everyone is allowed to apply based on nationality, race, religion, belief, age, nationality, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, disability. , union membership and political thought

Equal opportunities are given regardless of gender. In this direction, we act by the determined criteria and principles in all matters falling within the scope of corporate social responsibility areas such as human resources and human investment projects, 

stakeholder culture and company vision, training support activities, and practices that develop culture and arts.

Where people can bring out their best work by treating each other fairly and with respect; in peace and order; Our company is committed to providing a working environment with a high level of trust, free from unlawful harassment, humiliation, intimidation, threats and discrimination, and these situations are not tolerated. It prohibits all forms of forced labor. Necessary opportunities are provided for employees to express their suggestions and complaints easily.



We support the inclusion of young and female employees in the industry.

We always feel the positive contributions of our high school/university interns, which we aim to increase every year, by paying attention to the employment of our young employees with our dynamic service approach. We strive to educate our intern students with all our sensitivity, to introduce them to the sector and to ensure the employment of our successful students in our hotel.

Increasing the number of female employees and supporting local employment are among our main goals.

Total Number of Employees Number of Female Employees Number of Male Employe
Person 195 Person 48 Person 147

While we employ local people, 7% of our employees reside in Beldibi.

Opportunities Offered to Our Staff

Name tags and locker usage: Staff are given name tags at the start of work and a locker in the locker room.

Use of Laundry: All our employees' work uniforms are cleaned free of charge.

Lodging Service: Free lodging accommodation service is provided for our staff who need lodging.

Personnel Service: Shuttle service is provided according to shift hours for our employees who do not stay in the lodging.

Staff Dining Hall: The dining hall is free for our staff.

Personnel Promotion Celebration: Our employees who have been promoted are both announced and congratulated by the General Manager.

Staff Birthday Celebration: Every month, the birthdays of our staff who were born in that month are celebrated.

Special Day Celebrations: Small celebrations are held for certain special days of the year (International Women's Day, New Year's Eve, Ramadan/Eid al-Adha, etc.). Celebrations are held and cologne and chocolate are offered to the staff.

Employee of the Month Celebration: A gift certificate and certificate are given to the person selected as the employee of the month.

Intern: Our hotel offers internship opportunities to high school/university students.

Personnel Training and Exercises

Management gives A monthly training target to each department manager, and training effectiveness measurements are controlled and maintained by Quality Management.

In line with the annual training programs, our employees are provided with Environmental Training by our environmental consultant at least once a year.

An annual training plan is prepared by our company's OHS specialist and presented to management for approval. It aims to implement the approved training plan in a controlled manner throughout the year.

Planned legal training is provided by authorized organizations and employees are thus certified.

The awareness of all our employees on Environmental Management is ensured through periodic training provided by our environmental consultant.

Environmental Training given by Environmental Consultant

Sustainable Tourism Program Awareness Training given by Environmental Consultant

Basic Occupational Health, Safety and Fire Training given by an OHS Specialist

Fire Fighting Drill: Training takes place as internal and external training.

Chemical Use Training

Food Safety Training


Effective and two-way communication with stakeholders is of great importance. We work to maintain transparent communication by determining different communication methods with different stakeholder groups.

We shape our sustainability strategy and work around the opinions of our stakeholders and use effective communication methods in line with the suggestions and ideas of different stakeholder groups.

We contribute to sectoral development by working in cooperation with stakeholders.

Stakeholder Group

Communication Method

Communication Frequency


One-to-One Meetings,



OHS Board Meetings,



Within the Annual Training Plan

When needed

1 time per month



Guest Satisfaction Surveys,

Social media,

Website ,






Supplier Evaluation Activities,



1 time per year,

When Demand


Public institutions

Published Regulations - Circulars


One-to-One Meetings,

Institutional Audits

At least 5 times a year


1 time per month

1 time per month

Sectoral Groups


Seminars and Fairs


Several times a year


Intern Program,

Conference - Meeting Participation


As Edited



Press release

When needed

When needed




As BALMY BEACH RESORT HOTEL, we aim to supply all goods and services necessary for our business on time, at affordable prices and payment conditions, and at the highest possible quality, while providing purchasing, raw material supply and other goods and services.

We encourage our suppliers to grow and develop with us within the scope of the Quality Management System requirements we implement.

Our preference is to prioritize environmentally friendly packaged products when purchasing materials.

We take care to choose our suppliers from environmentally friendly companies. Our priority in supplier selection is to have 14001 Environmental Management System certified / FSC labeled products and for our food suppliers to have ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System certification. We prefer to work with local companies by making our purchases from as close regions as possible. Thus, we aim to reduce the impact on the environment by minimizing the CO2 emissions of the delivery vehicles of the supplier companies and support the regional employees.

We accept the product as a priority, provided that it meets the purchasing criteria. We evaluate our suppliers on site at regular intervals. We prefer A+++ class product group when purchasing devices that require energy consumption.


Necessary access and information to all people with special needs in our hotel are provided by the provisions of the "Regulation on the Qualifications of Tourism Facilities"..

  • There is an automatic opening and closing door for disabled vehicles at the hotel entrance. Additionally, flat floor entrance and exit doors can also be used if desired.
  • A spare wheelchair is available at the reception when needed.
  • Our hotel has 1 room designed for disabled use and special disabled WCs in public areas.


As BALMY BEACH RESORT HOTEL, we have priority in our Waste Management System. We aim to reduce the amount of waste, to manage our waste well and dispose of it with minimal damage to the environment, and to recycle the recyclable ones.

Recyclable Wastes;

We carry out various studies to reduce our waste production at the source and encourage our guests and employees to participate in the recycling program. Within the scope of the zero waste project, we separate waste according to color codes. Our staff is given training on waste separation.

  • In our temporary non-hazardous waste storage area, plastic, paper-cardboard, metal, glass, organic and grass wastes are stacked separately and our wastes are delivered to the licensed company for disposal for later recycling.
  • Packaging waste was reduced by purchasing large-packaged boxes and buckets instead of disposable products whenever possible.
  • Disposable water consumption is reduced by using water dispensers in personnel areas.
  • Packaging waste is prevented by purchasing large packaged boxes and buckets instead of disposable breakfast products whenever possible.
  • Refillable soap dispensers are used in public area toilets, personnel hand-washing sinks and toilets.
  • To reduce our paper consumption, we make our correspondence and announcements via e-mail whenever possible.
  • Department managers can access all documents published in our business digitally.
  • Instructions, procedures, memorandums, internal correspondence and updates are announced to the departments via e-mail.
  • Records that can be tracked electronically will not be printed, and both internal and external training will continue to be provided for personnel awareness.
  • We have “Waste Separation Boxes” in our hotel's general areas to separate waste at its source.
  • Organic waste and packaging waste are separated in our rooms.
  • In food production presentation areas, waste is separated at the source according to its type.

Hazardous Wastes;

  • We ensure that hazardous waste generated in our facility is disposed of without harming the environment. Waste is stored in a temporary storage area and then disposed of by licensed companies.
  • There is a separate Hazardous Waste area for hazardous waste in our facility. Our hazardous wastes (agricultural pesticide cans, pressure containers, chemical bottles, cables, batteries, fluorescents, waste vegetable oils, paint and thinner cans, sprays, etc.) are stacked by the legislation and laws.
  • Our vegetable oils used for frying are changed by measuring the free polar substance percentages with the Polar Substance Measurement Kit. Our vegetable waste oils, which have high polar substance value, are temporarily stored in our hazardous waste area and then delivered to a licensed company for recycling.
  • The distribution comparison of the amounts of hazardous and non-hazardous waste generated in our facility according to the year 2023 is as follows;


It uses water-saving equipment to reduce overall water consumption without compromising health, hygiene and guest satisfaction; We have informative brochures about water saving in guest rooms and we train our employees on this subject.

The following activities regarding water saving are carried out in our hotel and their continuity is ensured:

  • Aerators that reduce the water flow rate were used in taps and showers.
  • Inverter water pumps, sensor taps, overhead showers with sprinkler systems, float system differential pressure sensors, solenoid valves and check valves that prevent filling and overflow in tanks and balance tanks are preferred in our water tanks.
  • Efficient and/or dual flush systems are used in toilets.
  • Photocell taps and sensor urinals are used in guest rooms and toilets in public areas.
  • The drip system is used when irrigating our gardens.
  • There is a recirculation line in the rooms, spa and staff shower areas and it is actively working to avoid waiting for hot water to arrive and to prevent water from being wasted.

Studies to reduce water consumption;

  • It is planned to save a lot of money by cleaning the aerators of all taps and reducing the ones with high water flow rates (148 rooms were built at the beginning of the season).
  • The water installation system is checked and suitable pipe valve manufacturing is planned in problematic areas. (Investment project)


We ensure that all electronic products we purchase are energy efficient. We aim for our employees to receive training on energy saving.

The following studies regarding energy saving are carried out in our hotel and their continuity is ensured is provided.

  • As a renewable energy air conditioning benefit, tempered window glasses that reflect sunlight were preferred in our hotel rooms.
  • Exterior glass covering was applied in the lobby and general areas to benefit from maximum daylight.
  • Systems are used in guest rooms that disable heating/cooling devices when the windows are opened.
  • Energy-saving bulbs or LED lights are used in our hotel.
  • Sensors are used for lighting toilets in common areas, corridors, staff areas and ground floors.
  • Exterior lighting is controlled by timers.
  • Electronic key cards are used in our rooms.
  • It is preferred that the devices requested regarding energy consumption are A+++ class product groups.
  • The placement of heating and cooling devices is planned in a way that does not reduce energy efficiency.
  • To make maximum use of daylight, window glass covering was applied in the lobby restaurant and bar area.
  • Heating air curtains are used on doors opening to open areas.
  • Curtains in our empty rooms are kept closed during the summer months. 
  • Our mini bars in our rooms are positioned away from the heat source to save energy.
  • We reduce the electricity consumption caused by washing/drying/transfer by changing the linen materials in the rooms of our guests who do not request it every other day.
  • We use frequency-controlled pumps.

Studies carried out to reduce energy consumption;

  • Natural gas pressure regulator maintenance in the boilers and kitchen area is planned.
  • The maintenance of our boiler and heat exchanger systems is planned to be done in the summer months.
  • Our boilers will be maintained and the co-aging application will be active and followed.
  • Kitchen staff will be informed of the operating instructions for natural gas-powered ovens.

Balmy Beach Resort Kemer works to provide you with an unforgettable experience by using the miracles offered by nature in the most efficient way. We support the environmentally friendly holiday concept by meeting all of our facility's energy needs from solar energy. Inspired by nature, we use the power of renewable energy and illuminate our entire facility with the energy of nature. This unique step symbolizes not only our responsibility to the environment, but also our commitment to the future. We offer our guests a green, sustainable and environmentally friendly holiday with the clean energy we produce. We show our respect for the environment in every step we take and leave a legacy full of hope for the future.


Chemical substances are substances that we use in many areas of our lives, that make our lives easier, but can also cause negative consequences with their harmful effects. Chemicals are used in maintenance-repair activities and cleaning activities in our facility.

Cleaning with environmental consideration means being able to clean hygienically and at the same time having as little negative impact on health and the environment as possible. Damages to the environment can be minimized not only by using environmentally compatible cleaning products but also by using these products economically and adjusting

their dosage well. Thus, the total harm of chemicals to the environment can be significantly reduced.

It is our priority that all the chemicals we use are approved, labeled and in appropriate packaging and that we have received MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet). Our employees who will use the chemicals are trained by the purchased department on the use of chemicals, the information in the MSDS, the amount and methods of use, personal protective equipment requirements and the precautions to be taken according to the "Emergency Measures Instructions in Chemical Spills".

Our chemical warehouses are free of leaks, spills, etc. that may harm the environment. Necessary precautions have been taken against such situations. Chemical storage is done in accordance with the type of chemical, the manufacturer's storage instructions and regulations.

We work with relevant companies to dispose of chemicals safely, and we dispose of our hazardous chemical containers, which contain even small amounts of chemicals, through licensed companies.

We control our chemical usage amounts and provide personnel training to prevent wasted and incorrect chemical use. We prefer concentrated products whenever possible.

We use automatic dosing systems that use minimum amounts of chemicals for hygiene practices in our pool.

We guarantee that the pesticides used by the pest control company we outsource are products that do not harm human health and the environment. We are trying to make more use of natural measures (flycatchers, adhesive paper, etc.).